A few highlights from the field.
We have work ongoing nationally.
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Cropsey Avenue – Brooklyn, New York

The site was historically used as a gasoline station. A petroleum plume was emulating from an historic tank bed. The plume was characterized through the installation of 5 monitoring wells. After discussing the remediation with the NYSDEC it was determined that the most cost-effective remedial option was the injection of multiple types of remedial solvents. Official approval for the Remedial Action Work Plan was given by the NYSDEC

Industrial Loop - Staten Island

The site was investigated to determine if an adjacent BCP site was impacting upon its environmental quality. The investigation consisted of the installation of monitoring wells, soil probes and soil vapor probes. The investigation was completed in 1 day. Based upon the results of the investigation it was determined that the off-site property was not impacting the Subject Property and no further work was required

Brownfield Site - Flushing, New York 

Phase I ESA discovered the Site was used a Dry Cleaner for the past 40 years. Phase II ESA consisted of the installation and sampling of soil and groundwater probes. Chlorinated solvents in the soil and groundwater at concentrations greater than their respective regulatory standard levels were identified. More than 10 soil borings, 10 monitoring wells and 20 soil vapor implants were installed. All work was documented to the NYSDEC in the form of Site Investigations Reports. Soil Investigations are still on-going at the Site.

Auto Repair Facility - Astoria Queens 

The Phase II ESA investigation consisted of the installation of 5 soil probes and 3 groundwater monitoring wells. The placement of the soil probes was essential to the investigation being properly completed. While on-site we identified a slop sink which discharged into 20-gallon drums. The drums were moved from the walls and we discovered the foundation was cracked. Based upon the presence of petroleum and solvent contamination the NYSDEC was notified of a release. The preparation of cost estimate letters helped determine that the purchase was a risky investment.